Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 61: Frugal Feasting, 2017 in Review and a Time to Grow



Today’s show is the last one until next year! In this episode, we will take a look at 2017. The good, the bad, the sad. We will also cover holidays, navigating them, being with your family who you may love, may find frustrating, or may even find abusive. I’ll share what this time means to all of us here in the Holler Homestead. Share some recipes we will try this year. Marvel at the bounty that surrounds us, talk about bitcoin and two-factor authentication, share some cool thoughts from listeners. Today, the show is about you, about us, and about the learning from the past, letting it go, and making our future. Direct Download What mother nature is providing Kale, Carrots, Radishes Stinging Nettles abound I saw mint in the creek - unbelievable Sprouts in the house: Tales from the prepper pantry The Turkey The potatoes are fished - we got a bushel in October and polished them off yesterday  Facing our usual squash struggle Meatloaf recipe Dry stores: F