Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 75: 10 Tips For Hosting A Workshop on Your Homestead



Today we talk about 10 tips for coordinating a workshop on your own property. Want to know why? Well, selfishly, this is in part because ALL I am thinking about right now is workshop details. And also because I know lots of you are on your own side hustle or entrepreneurial adventure. It is so cool when you send me emails about what you are up to. And you guys have neat skills that not everyone has. When you are in this situation, it becomes tempting to host a workshop and share the knowledge. So today, we will go over some early lessons I have learned getting the LFTN18 Spring Workshop up and running. What Mother Nature is providing Dryad’s Saddle Watercress is getting long in the tooth, deadnettle and wild mustard flower Raspberry leaves for tea Mint is starting to come on Tales from the Prepper Pantry Play a little help from our friends The snakes were tamed by a very special set of visitors who reminded me to have fun no matter what - and fun we did have. The sweet potato slips Using up the canned good