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Expired Listings: The Cash Cow of 2024



This week, we speak with Ramon Casaus, founder of author, podcast host, ROC Real Estate Partners, and creator for Broke Agent Media (BAM). He believes that as the industry evolves, listing agents will have the advantage. In fact, he’s already made the decision to work exclusively with sellers. He also thinks that as competition increases, real estate professionals will need to partner with “big money” to survive. ROC recently partnered with PLACE, a multibillion-dollar real estate tech company, which has enabled his team to sell 500 homes a year. Join us to better understand the power of expired listings to grow your business faster and easier, find out a brilliant tactic to start conversations with disheartened sellers that instantly builds credibility, and discover more about PLACE and how it fixes two of the problems brokerages have never been able to solve.