Legio Xiii

Legio XIII #74 Dē Methodō "Shadowing" ad linguās discendās (praesentī trānsmissiōne) | 2020-05-18



Audīre hoc epīsodium licet apud https://youtube.com/LegioXIIIListen to this episode at https://youtube.com/LegioXIII Ecce versiōnem Anglicam quā hanc methodum dēscrībō: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36977871 Gradūs Decem (Anglicē): STEPS TO SHADOWING TECHNIQUE These steps assume you have access to the target language text in a line-for-line translation in a language you know, such as the Assimil books — for the sake of simpilicity, I will call this familiar language "English," but it could be any language you are comfortable with; for Latin, I can recommend my recordings of the Traupman Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency dialogues on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYgC_33Z9Bg&list=PLU1WuLg45SiwIqVslmhJrSc9mUGQ9OVn4 Step 1: Blind Shadowing - listen to the audio of all of the lessons in the target language, before even looking at the text. - while listening, repeat every word and sound you hear as precisely as you can (it sounds crazy, but it works!); you'll be bad at this at first,