Just Joshing Podcast

Episode 997: Just Joshing Episode 997: Winston Pei



#booktube #books #podcastsWinston Pei joins the podcast. We finally get to talk about things on the podcast. We talk about the book industry, meeting, Winston's path to working at a library, and then, the twitch stream ended. This is the rest of the conversation that couldn't air that day as well. So this is a first and exclusive. Winston is an amazing dude. I have loved watching his evolution. Check this out.Winston PeiWebsite SponsorsFight - Ever wonder about the struggles of veterans trying to get back into civilian life? Betsy Ross has released a 4 book series that details the real life struggles veterans face. Fight IV is available now here. Click that or the link in front to support the series.SupportPatreon - Wondering where Just Joshing is going to go after episode 1000? It has already started. I've recorded new kinds of podcasts that are available now on the patreon. You can join in and see where the show is going months before anyone else, see episodes ahead of schedule, and interact with the podcas