Just Joshing Podcast

Episode 1045: Just Joshing Episode 1045: Diana Botsford



#DianaBotsford #Podcasts #BooktubeDiana Botsford joins the podcast! This is a big talk about a lot of different things.  We talk about the lack of moral authority in anything today, whether government or social media. We talk about censorship, we talk about the current rise in anti-semitism, and from there we go into the anthology HERitage. This was a cool chat. And we didn't even get into her history with Star Trek and Stargate this time. Check out the chat, and check out the kickstarter below.Diana BotsfordHERitage KickstarterWebsite Epilogue SeriesSponsorsDreamlands: Worldwakers - What is real? What can be made real? It’s all at the other side of the story.Embark on an epic journey with DREAMLANDS: WorldWalkers! Immerse yourself in a world where reality and fantasy intertwine. Follow the legendary Dragon warrior, TiqToqTa , as he carves his way through conquest and deceit. Crafted by Stelios Pliatsikas and Thanos Kyratzis, this 96-pages action-packed dark fantasy graphic novel is the third part of the DREA