Steve Smith Podcast

David Lantz and Bill McCrillis - Youth Ski Jumping Benefit Raffle - 3-5-24



David Lantz and Bill McCrillis are here as we talk about the youth ski jumping benefit raffle that the New England Ski Jumping Nordic Combined Organization is having for two paintings by Vinko Bogataj, commemorating the World Cup Ski Jumpings events held in Lake Placid.  Vinko Bogataj is a famous ski jumper who is known in the United States from ABC's Wide World Of Sports as "The agony of defeat."  He is also a fantastic painter who lives in Slovenia now.  We talk about these paintings, what the organization does for youth ski jumpers, both Bill & Dave's history in ski jumping, their collective families' history in skiing and ski jumping, both tell old stories, and we learn how one can purchase tickets to try to win these paintings.