
681: Nextracker’s secret marketing strategy is hard to copy, Kristan Kirsh



How did Nextracker become the leading solar tracker manufacturer in the world in 10 years, and what was the secret sauce of one of the most successful IPO’s of 2023?  We finally have Nextracker’s Senior Vice President of Marketing, Kristan Kirsh, on the show sharing her journey of helping elevate Nextracker from 400 Megawatts to 90 Gigawatts in shipped solar trackers.With Kirsh running marketing since 2015, Nextracker has not only navigated its landmark public offering but has also cemented its status as an industry icon. This episode delves into the strategic layers of her successful marketing prowess that has served as exemplar within the solar sector, offering listeners a chance to explore:The creation of a customer-centric culture that goes beyond listening to actively incorporate feedback into both product development and marketing strategies.The use of storytelling to make complex technological solutions relatable and captivating in a way that’s meaningful to the audience.The importance