Truth Be Told

Cults, Gaslighting and Dungeons and Dragons: The Satanic Panic



"Truth Be Told with Lauren Hoffman delves deep into the shadows of history to uncover the truth behind one of the most controversial and misunderstood eras of modern American culture: The Satanic Panic. This gripping series explores the complex tapestry of fear, manipulation, and media frenzy that led to a nationwide moral panic in the 1980s and 90s, focusing on its impact on cults, gaslighting, and the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Lauren Hoffman guides listeners through a journey of discovery, interviewing experts, survivors, and historians to shed light on how a confluence of events and personalities convinced a generation that satanic forces were corrupting their children through seemingly innocent means. From the rise of cult fears to the psychological tactics of gaslighting used to instill fear and control, to the vilification of Dungeons & Dragons as a gateway to dark and demonic influences, 'Truth Be Told' unravels the myths and realities of the Satanic Panic. Join us as we explore how