95.9 The Fox 

Thursday, April 16: Mayor Elicker Explains New Haven's Mask Policy, Wayne Carini Promotes AJ's Guest Appearance, Norm Pattis Watches Birds, Jimmy Koplik's Thoughts on Concerts Returning



New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker called Chaz and AJ to explain why masks are now required in public places. (0:00)  In Dumb Ass News, a toilet paper hoarder in Australia can't sell his stash. (14:02)  Wayne Carini from Chasing Classic Cars called in to promote a guest appearance by AJ on the show, and his thoughts on the new Corvette. (18:05)  Mayor Mark Boughton of Danbury talks about the economic repercussions of the quarantine, and when we might see restaurants and sporting events opened again. Plus, he brags about his Mustang and challenges AJ to a race. (34:06) Attorney Norm Pattis was on the phone this morning, and explained how he's been passing his time while in quarantine; bird watching. He even added voices for the bird characters in his backyard. (47:11)  Jimmy Koplik does not agree with experts who think concerts might not be normal again until the fall, of NEXT year. Plus, what does he think of the TicketMaster policy on returns and refunds? (55:54)  Adam Fox of Dichello Distributors was on t