John Hebenton's Podcast




Last week we talked about “carrying our cross with some examples of “martyrs”. When John got home he read about MLK Jr, and some of his experiences with his father in Jim Crow South  – living the truth that he was created a man in the image of God. God made him "Somebody!"  Carrying our cross can be as simple as this.In light of that explore Exodus 20 – 10 Words – not as something to be done to earn God’s approval, but given to people already brought out o slavery with God’s presence in their midst – in clouds and tent of meeting.10 Words taught them to live as people marked by God’s compassion and generosity – displaying that justice, mercy, aroha for all – Blessed to be a blessingJohn portrays Jesus as one step further – not marked by God’s compassion and generosity, but God’s compassion and generosity enfleshed! He is God’s compassion and generosity.Read John 2 and John’s “Temple Incident” in light of that, remembering that when John is written there is no temple! Jesus is not superseding  the te