Toku Secrets - []

Episode 123 – Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Episodes 46 - 50 Review: The Sentai Version of Endgame!!!



The Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Finale has come and gone. Join the Toku Secrets gang, as we process the season recently aired finale of King-Ohger, and answer the question of did this fantastic season live up to all the hype it built over the last year and stick the landing? We certainly think so! This Sentai has really given us a lot to unpack in terms of Sentai character rankings, general season rankings and much more. So grab a seat and lets talk about the finale that gives off all the vibes of Avengers End Game and Lord of the Rings all mixed in with some fantastic Henshin Heroes! Remember to join us on Social Media Today! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Discord: