Ponderings From The Perch

How to Pass the Baton from Marketing to Sales for Predictable Revenue Generation



ROI & KPIs, MQLs& SQLs… The acronyms in marketing never stop. But the only KPI that really matters is that feeling you get when you’re exceeding revenue goals! At Little Bird Marketing, we’re overtly helpful, providing amazing resources and expertise like this lead generation funnel blog to provide important benchmarks for your work. What is also immensely helpful is knowing how to bring your sales and marketing departments together for a revenue generation WIN. No more listening to marketing blame sales for not closing leads or listening to sales say marketing doesn’t deliver quality leads. Instead, we’ll share our expertise on how to pass the baton successfully from marketing to sales in a way that creates predictable revenue generation. Our CEO and Momma Bird, Priscilla McKinney, hosts our very own Chief Revenue Officer, Stephanie Douglass, to discuss the important focus needed on that important hand-off that happens at the intersection of sales and marketing. Getting that baton handed off correctly and c