Straight Talk With Wayne

Donald Trump's Stand on Christian Values?



In this episode of Straight Talk with Wayne, your source for daily prophetic revelation, we discuss Donald Trump's recent public address wherein he proclaimed that Christianity would be safer under his administration. Thoroughly dissecting the speech, Trump vowed that, under his administration, "no one will touch the cross of Christ" and condemned the alleged persecution of Christians under President Biden. Join us as we ponder the sincerity of these declarations. Trump compared his legal challenges to the Biden administration's supposed targeting of Christians and assured a fight against this "wicked system" for the sake of justice under constitutional law. He warned that law enforcement is being used to target parents, conservatives, and Catholics, and promised an inquiry into political prisoners unjustly prosecuted. Entering into the realm of politics and religion, we bring up the question: Do we idolize political leaders or trust that God places them in power for a reason? Every historical regime has atte