Straight Talk With Wayne

Angels - Aware & Unaware...



Welcome to another insightful episode of Straight Talk with Pastor Wayne. This in-depth show, part of the series, provides you with daily doses of prophetic revelation, enlightening prayer, and the critical Christian news you need to stay connected. Get ready as we delve into today's episode themed around the concept of angels and their divine assignments in our lives. In this scripture-filled discussion, Pastor Wayne seeks to shed more light on the truth about angels as highlighted in the Bible. He addresses the crucial role these ministering spirits play in our day-to-day lives, emphasizing that while we respect and appreciate angels, we should not worship them. Pastor Wayne narrates personal experiences with angels and their influences in his ministry, noting the powerful impact of their presence in fulfilling his calling. He profoundly portrays how angels extend their help to us, as they did to Jesus during his 40 days in the desert. This episode aims to shift your focus from the negativ