Inciting A Riot

119: Episode 188: Inciting The Final Riot



Goodbye.    Today is the very last episode of Inciting A Riot.   And the last time I'll be speaking to you as Fire Lyte.   Sometimes growth means putting yourself back together, and in 2022 I am going to embark on a more personal, more authentic journey. As myself. I hope you’ll come along with me.    The antagonistic, pointed energy of Inciting A Riot is going away as it no longer serves me. In its place will be a new title and a new me. The real me. The me that my friends and loved ones know. No more mask.    I explain everything in the podcast episode, but in short there’s no need to unsubscribe or resubscribe. The feed will stay the same. And, if you have any podcast name suggestions, I’m certainly willing to entertain them all.    I’m also taking a month off from producing the show, the first break I’ve had in a few years. I want to give myself a space to breathe, to consider, and to feel confident and certain about my next steps.    I’m a bit scared, if I’m being honest. Fire Lyte has presented a certai