Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

How to Live in Two Houses at the Same Time



Series: Luke (Advent 2021 - Easter 2022)Scripture: Luke 2:41-52 “Stir me, O Lord, to care; for a world that is lost and dying, for values that are rejected and scorned, for enemies that hate and malign me. Amen.”  Richard Foster “Like rocks dropped into a pond, Christians are dropped into society. What kind of waves do they make? Jesus calls us to make waves that are positive and transforming while we simultaneously keep our distinctively Christian identity. This kind of living – being salt and light in our communities – will draw people to the Father . . . Why do Christians fail to be salt and light? They fail because the world is a dangerous place, especially for those who are “out of line” with their society. Jesus says that we will be a dissonant group and will be ostracized if not persecuted. Saltless salt and hidden light describe two apparently safer ways to live. Each allows us to avoid rubbing shoulders with potential cynics or persecutors.”  Dick Keyes “I’m so thankful for the active obedience of Ch