Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

The Soul-and-Body Savior



Series: Luke (Advent 2021 - Easter 2022)Scripture: Luke 5:17-26 “A personal gospel without a social gospel is like a soul without a body. A social gospel without a personal gospel is like a body without a soul. One is a ghost. The other is a corpse.” Bryan Chapell “The way to God is wide open. There is nothing standing between the sinner and his God. He has immediate and unimpeded access to the Savior. There is nothing to hinder.  No sin can hold him back because God offers justification to the ungodly. Nothing can keep him from Christ but his delusion that he has good works of his own that can satisfy God. All he needs is need. All he needs is nothing. But, alas, sinners cannot part with their ‘virtues’.”   Dr. John Gerstner “For the last 50 years in my wheelchair, I’ve been daily dying to self and rising with Jesus, dying to self and rising with Jesus, dying to self and rising with Jesus. My goal is to mortify my fleshly desires, so I might find myself in Christ. God has been answering my prayer, exposing d