David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

Dismantling of the 'I know mind' - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David Hoffmeister



Dismantling of the 'I know mind' - A Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop with David HoffmeisterThe Tribe of Christ Movie Workshop is a bi-weekly event that aims to teach the concept of atonement, a correction in the mind. Jesus emphasizes that the sole responsibility of the miracle worker and teacher of God is to accept the atonement for themselves, which involves correcting our thinking and belief system. Our actions come from our thoughts; Jesus calls this the "Hero of the Dream." This includes historical characters such as Jesus, mystics, saints, and people labeled as tyrants, Hitler, Mussolini, and Osama bin Laden.The Holy Spirit and Christ's mind offer us right-mindedness or corrected thought, and when we think with God, we come back to thinking eternal thoughts with God, which is where the wake-up occurs. The hero of the dream is a person or mask used to cover the face of Christ. Symbols throughout history, such as Gandhi, Albert Einstein, C.S. Lewis, and Sigmund Freud, are used today to illustrate the conce