Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 303: 50 Lessons of 50 Years - Reflections of a Personal Journey



This week, on a special edition of the Purple Patch Podcast, Ironman Master Coach Matt Dixon is celebrating his 50th birthday. To commemorate this significant milestone, Matt reflects on the past 50 years of his life, sharing 50 valuable lessons he learned from his experiences as an athlete, coach, and entrepreneur. These lessons are not only beneficial for athletes looking to enhance their performance but also for anyone who wants to improve their approach to work and life. Whether you are a coach, athlete, work leader, or parent, Matt's insights are sure to provide you with valuable perspectives to help you navigate your journey, no matter where you are in life. Episode Timestamps 00:00 - 03:10 - Welcome and Episode Introduction 03:17 - 05:15 - Matt's News-ings 05:21 - 52:11 - The Meat and Potatoes - Episode 303: 50 Lessons of 50 Years -  Reflections of a Personal Journey Purple Patch and Episode Resources Purple Patch Video Podcast and More Click here for the SPECIAL Fuelin Landing Page 2024 Purple Patch P