Dare To Dream With Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream, February 18, 2024



Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger Guest, Gail Lynn, a pioneer in frequency healing. She is the inventor of The Harmonic Egg® GAIL LYNN Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing. The Harmonic Egg ® Gail Lynn is a pioneer in frequency healing. She is the inventor of The Harmonic Egg®, a resonant chamber that delivers a bio energy therapy which restores the body’s balance and promotes healing. On the award-winning Dare To Dream podcast EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: 1)     What is a chamber designed in a dodecagon shape, that incorporates Tesla mathematics, sacred geometry, and the Golden Mean Ratio? 2)     Powerful Sirian extraterrestrial technology? 3)     How the Harmonic Egg® has an ability to detect the vibration of your body and any imbalance? 4)     Specific things energy therapy works on? My guest Gail Lynn is a renowned visionary, inventor, and pioneer in the realm of frequency healing, known for her ground-breaking creation, the Harmonic Egg. She is the author of ‘Unlocking the Ancient Secrets to Healing