Ibn 'arabi Society

Keys to Decipher Ibn ʻArabī’s Manzil al-manāzil.Ibn ʻArabī's unique Quranic journey in Kitāb Manzil: A mystical correlation of 114 suras with the science of numbers and symbolic ascent



Pablo writes: This presentation analyses the content of Ibn ʻArabī’s lesser-known work, Kitāb Manzil al-manāzil al-fahwāniyya (“The Mansion that Gathers [the Keys to All] the Mansions in Which Direct Speech Descends”), which is devoted to Quranic hermeneutics and structured on symbolic principles derived from the science of numbers and the abjad alphanumeric system. It explores the author's unique correlation between the 114 ‘mansions’ or ‘stations’ and the 114 suras of the Quran, classifying them into 19 major mansions based on the introductory text of each sura. Conceived as a journey of ascension (miʻrāj) through the Quran's 'citadels', this book is intimately related to chapter 22 of Ibn ʻArabī’s major work, al-Futūḥāt al-makkiyya. In this presentation, I intend to address some of the implicit, yet unexplored, questions raised in this book. I propose that Ibn ʻArabī employed strategic ambiguity in his writing, using misleading elements and deliberate omissions to avoid undue attention. Pablo Beneito is a