Doug Stephan Presents The Djv Show

How Did Ariana Grande Prepare for "Wicked" Auditions?



2/28/24 - Michigan primary election results, upcoming Super Tuesday, the arrest of a migrant in the Georgia killing of a nursing student is turning the city into a battleground on immigration, and Ariana Grande shares her grueling 6-month prep for Wicked auditions. We discuss. Aging celebrities, a New York doctor dies after eating a meal containing a deadly allergen at Disney World, and explosive device detonates outside of the Alabama Attorney General’s office, and Gary Sinise's son loses his battle with cancer at 33. We discuss that, too. Plus, police investigate a bomb threat at a Nashville school that was site of a deadly mass shooting. A viral social-media spat between a Boston celebrity-chef and a New York diner ignites death threats for both parties. Website: GoodDayShow.comSocial Media: @GoodDayNetworks