Your Mileage May Vary

Orgasms Of Our Youth, Male Masturbator Reviews, Camgirl Pasts, Clit Sucking, Elizabethan Dirty Talk, Nonbinary Lineage



That glow I have is the good feeling from being told by Ally, in no uncertain terms, that my orgasms are surely stronger than hers, and perhaps stronger than all women's. "Why else would men pursue sex so much more than women," she says. "It must be better for you guys." Amen to that, and thanks to Ally we also learned that the products of teenage masturbation also may be more memorable for men than for women. Next, we take a look at some reviews of male pleasure devices from Amazon, and wondered how long it would be before, paired with the metaverse, men could live in a sexual holodeck. And, do women really want a man to "suck" on their clit? This seems like something that might be too aggressive for the typical lady. Which reminds me, what explains the relative popularity of sex podcasts which just reinforce the standard cultural narratives? I know, you're probably thinking that the standard narrative is something out of the 1950s, complete with tradwives and obligation sex. But that's not the modern world