Success Happens

2024.02.10 - Healthcare State Part 2 Dr. Barke & Sarah Green, PA



Guests:   Dr. Jeff Barke - Physician on the west coast providing general medical care with a holistic health approach and ensuring informed consent. Enjoy his morning message of RX For Liberty and read his latest book, Morning Message, Dispelling the Myths You've Been Told About Optimal Health Sarah Green, PA - Physicians Assistant with a Masters providing medical care from a philosophy of wellness and empowering the patient to navigate the healthcare system. Experienced medical professional that served on the front lines of Covid. Discussion covers the current healthcare system and ongoing issues concerns between #MedicalBoards, medical practitioners, federal agencies, government bureaucrats and #BigPharma. A looming question is, why are we still under an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization)?  The financials matter. Follow Jen: Twitter @RealJenCharlton  Rumble @TheJenCharltonShow Facebook @TheJenCharltonShow Please support our sponsors: Sweeties on the Creek - for yummy ice cream, sweet treats and gifts To