Connection Church Nyc Sermons

I Believe #6 - All Fear Is Gone | The Apostles' Creed



The sermon, delivered by Pastor Daniel, delves into the theme of overcoming fear and the significance of Jesus' descent to the dead and resurrection. Fear often hinders personal growth, and Pastor Daniel emphasizes that conquering it allows for a more authentic and satisfying life. He highlights that conquering fear doesn't mean all problems are solved, but it eradicates inner turmoil.Pastor Daniel then transitions to a discussion of the creeds, focusing on the phrase "He descended to the dead" from the Apostle's Creed. He clarifies the meaning, emphasizing Jesus' genuine death and descent into Hades, not Gehenna. The significance lies in Jesus going ahead of believers, providing assurance in facing death without fear of solitude.Addressing potential objections, Pastor Daniel refutes the swoon theory, emphasizing the physical death and resurrection of Jesus. The narrative from Matthew 27:32-28:10 is presented to highlight the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.The conc