The Rv Entrepreneur With Heath Padgett

Finding Your Right Path and Leading the Way to Fulfillment - RVE #330



Thinking of a big career change, or transitioning to working from the road? Then don't miss this discussion with leadership transition coach Don Gleason. Don is a retired Colonel who served 27 years in the Air Force before transitioning to be a corporate management consultant. He is now "half retired" and enjoying the RV life while helping people move on with the next phase of their lives. Don serves military and civilian personnel in their search to find the job that energizes them so they can live the life that fulfills them most. We discuss leadership, team building, coaching, and the best aps for CRM, content delivery, and more. Don shares stories from his military career as a civil engineer. And, Jim discovers how skills learned from birdwatching can translate into business development. GUEST BIO: Don Gleason is a retired Air Force Colonel who served 27-yrs and was promoted to Colonel before retiring in 2009. He then served 9 yrs with Booz Allen Hamilton as a management consultant. Today he