Everybody Matters

THL Refresher: Redefining Leadership On and Off the Football Field with Steve Jones



Barry-Wehmiller CEO Bob Chapman met Steve Jones, former head football coach at Kimberly High School, several years ago through a mutual friend. Coach Jones said something to Bob that made a lasting impression: “When people truly care for one another, it’s amazing how hard they will work for each other.” When Coach Jones stepped down in 2021, his career at Kimberly High School included five WIAA state championships, 10 conference championships, a 70-game winning streak that set a state record and an overall 129-9 record. He was the 2016 and 2017 Associated Press state coach of the year and the Wisconsin Football Coaches Association/Green Bay Packers coach of the year from 2015 to 2017. But Coach Jones’ desire to spread the principles of caring leadership extends much further than his team. He developed and taught classes on leadership at Kimberly High School, touching the lives of many future leaders. In fact, that's why Coach Jones stepped off the football field, to try to help leaders everywhere up their gam