Get Your Result With Dave Crenshaw: Productivity And Leadership

The Resilient Game Developer, Solon Bucholtz - CEO of LBC Studios



Hear the story of how Solon Bucholtz went from being homeless and sleeping in a gas station bathroom to becoming a highly successful entrepreneur and international business advisor. Solon is the CEO and co-founder of LBC Studios, a mobile game developer and publisher. In this episode, you’ll learn how he managed his fear of failure and turned an extremely disheartening situation into a successful career. Listen to Solon’s story and choose which action will help you move one step closer to your success today.Action Principles Pick one to do this week: Take ownership in adversity. Life is full of obstacles. You grow as an individual when you look for valuable lessons within the challenge. ACTION: Think of a hardship you experienced and ask yourself, “What can I learn from this to help me grow?”Compete with yourself. When making comparisons, focus on comparing yourself to yourself over others. Use your past as a benchmark for doing better. ACTION: Set a goal for one area you want to improve upon and take small s