2 Degrees Of Bob

New Family, New Surfer — Ryan Bailey (#3)



A few months ago my stepdad Al told me about his cousin's son up in Rochester. He said the guy had a surf band and I should meet him. Why not? I love music. I love surfing. Plus, he's family. Even though I didn't know the guy existed 6 months ago. Now I'm a HUGE fan of his band, the Huckleberry Fins—even though they disbanded after releasing their first album. When I met up with Ryan he was trying to learn how to surf in Rockaway Beach, sleeping every night in his white cargo van with the "LIBRARY" painted across the side. Kinda mitigates the "strange guy sleeping in his van down by the water" vibe he may have put off in the white cargo van. That's the closest that cargo van will ever come to being a VW bus.