2 Degrees Of Bob

All About Andy/Pt. 1 — Annie Moore (#5)



Annie Moore was married to Andy Colameco for 21 years, before he died of leukemia in 2003. Prior to meeting Annie at a birthday party, Andy — who'd been diagnosed with a learning disability as a kid in Philadelphia — turned down a chance to get his Ph.D. in Physics at Harvard. Instead, he chose to teach science and coach girl's basketball at a high school in Vermont. During their first year of marriage, Andy woke up before school each morning to write his first novel, Einstein Doesn't Throw Dice — which would eventually land in The Brautigan Library for unpublished books in Burlington, VT. Last month, nearly 14 years after his death, Bobtimystic Books published Einstein Doesn't Throw Dice, releasing the book on March 14 — Albert Einstein's birthday. In today's episode, Annie fills in some of the details about her late, great husband and the autobiographical novel that unearths his genius. Einstein Doesn't Throw Dice is available through Amazon, selected independent bookstores and at BobtimysticBooks.com.