Taxi Tv

Why Musicians Without Websites Miss Out![021924]



I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been disappointed when I hear about a musician who I want to check out, and they only have social media. Most don’t know how to use their socials very well, and even when they do, I don’t find everything I need to know about them. How much success have you had with your music that can be directly attributable to your social media? Yep, that’s what I thought — practically none. However, when I Google a musician, and the first thing I see at the top of the page is something like, I click and usually learn everything I need to know: What their story is, what their music sounds like, when and where their gigs are, what their videos look like if they have an EPK if they sell merch, do they have a Patreon, what their career path looks like, and how to contact him or her. Oh yeah, and links to all of their social media.