Ponderings From The Perch

4 Things your Marketing Agency must know to Serve the Market Research Industry



Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO, and Momma Bird here at Little Bird Marketing as she gets down to the nitty-gritty of why our expertise in market research matters for better content, lead generation, and ultimately, revenue growth. So many market research firms hire a marketing agency only to spend the next 18 months explaining the difference between qual and quant, nuances in the competitive landscape, getting familiar with insights associations and organizations, and still not being any closer to gaining traction in terms of hitting revenue goals. To be of immediate significance as a content marketer in the insight industry, it is paramount to understand the variations of the buyers in the space. Any great marketing plan starts with creating meticulously detailed buyer personas that grasp the challenges, fears, aspirations, and frustrations of their ideal customers. Generic market research personas simply won't cut it, and success hinges on gaining granular insights into the target audience. A great marketing