Empowered Patient Podcast

Medication Management Addresses Increasing Comorbidities Need for Tracking Usage and Reconciliation to Prevent Errors with Larry Margolis PersonalRX



Larry Margolis, CEO of PersonalRX, provides medication management for patients and caregivers by delivering personalized dose packs to patients' homes with tracking functionality to inform when drugs are taken. The number of people with comorbidities is increasing, requiring complex regimens and medication reconciliation to ensure patient safety. PersonalRX works with healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers to ensure prescription, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs are used correctly. Larry explains, "Our typical patient profile is somebody, on average, who takes nine medications. We service the market of people with five medications or more, representing roughly 12.9% of the population, about 42 million people." "I think one of the most important tools that we use when we're looking at people who are living longer, have more complex cases and comorbidities, and are taking more medication is looking at the medical reconciliation tools that we've built. And we've spent a lot of time over the last