Straight A Nursing

#19: Enteral Feeding and NG Tubes: PodQuiz



It's time for another PodQuiz! If you aren't familiar with this form of podcast, you are in for a treat! This is THE BEST WAY to study while also getting your life back on track. It's basically like doing flashcards, but instead of sitting and staring at your phone (or stack of index cards if you're "old-school") it's an auditory quiz! I ask a question and then pause, giving you time to answer...then I tell you the answer (and sometimes with some little extra 'real-world' tidbits thrown in for good measure). In this PodQuiz we cover the oh-so-exciting topic of enteral feeding and some basics of NG tubes. And, on a side note, if you want to see what an NG tube looks like when it goes to the wrong spot...check out this post! So here's the deal with are supposed to GET UP and do something! Go for a walk, catch up on laundry, take the dog to the lake, run errands, plant flowers, paint the house...whatever it is, do something productive while you study. You'll be AMAZED at how more "together" you