Phorest Fm

Between Alienation and Belonging: Ronan Perceval in Conversation With Alex Bélisle-Springer



[279] Few introverts can claim to have made a name for themselves by facilitating over 250 podcast conversations, but Alex Bélisle-Springer (@a.belspring) is not your typical introvert. As the Global Content Education Lead at Phorest and resident host of the PhorestFM podcast, Alex has made inspiring contributions to the salon community over the past seven years, resulting in various speaking opportunities and content collaborations featured in renowned print and digital industry media. Since coming out as transgender in 2021, Alex has dedicated much of their energy to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in their personal and professional life. Today, blending advocacy, mentorship and experiences from their transition, he offers intersectional approaches and practical guidance to business owners and their staff on fostering safer spaces and more inclusive cultures in which understanding, kindness, curiosity and compassion prevail. In conversation with Ronan Perceval, CEO of Phorest Salon Software, this