Stay Calm Don't Panic

Fanfiction + School Absence | Ep. 147



Why are teens missing so much school? In recent years, chronic absenteeism among students has become a pressing concern, especially with its stark rise since the onset of the pandemic. Defined as missing at least 10% of school days, this issue has significant implications for academic success and overall well-being.  But what’s causing students to miss so much school? What are we missing? We all need to work together to help teens succeed. Here's how.  Also in this episode: What is fanfiction and why are teens so crazy about it? How are fan edits being used, especially on TikTok? . . In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: - USAToday: Interested in fan fiction? Here’s what you need to know to start. - Bark: What is Fan Fiction? Here’s Why Kids Are Going Wild for Online Stories - Fanfic Sites: | Archive of Our Own Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts - Vox: Why so many kids are still missing school - Teen Life Podcast: Parasocial Relationships . . Visit our