Inciting A Riot

46: Episode 115: Inciting an Ostentatious Riot



Episode 115 of Inciting A Riot: the Podcast finds us exploring the topic of LGBTQ representation in media in two parts. The first is a case study on why allowing minorities to tell their own stories is important and necessary.  We examine Black Panther, Harry Potter/JK Rowling, Will & Grace, Call Me By Your Name and other minority programming to get a sense of why it matters who tells whose story.  Then, I'm so excited to introduce you all to Myxter Hyde. We have a free form discussion on the topic of representation and geekery and what it means to see yourself in media accurately. You can find him on any of his multiple podcasts or on Twitter @MyxterHyde In the Myx: Criminal Musings: Red Wing: Love and Lyte, Fire Lyte Support Pagan media! Consider giving a small, monthly donation to! You’ll get cool rewards like unedited video and audio podcasts from Inciti