The Jordan Harbinger Show

31: Bob Burg | The Five Secrets of Ultimate Influence



Bob Burg (@BobBurg) is the co-author of The Go-Giver Influencer: A Little Story About a Most Persuasive Idea, a parable about the power of genuine influence in business and beyond. What We Discuss with Bob Burg: Disagreement -- especially online -- is more common than persuasion or advancing the conversation. What can we do to change this? How "listening with the back of the neck" helps us find common understanding with others. The seatbelt principle of emotions and how we can work on our ability to react in ways that result in more productive disagreements. Setting the right frames and responding to negative ones. How to say "no" in a way that doesn't end up getting us in trouble later down the line. And much more... Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free networking and relationship development mini course -- at!  Like this show? Please leave us a review here -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally! Full show n