The Jordan Harbinger Show

34: Why You Should Be an Amateur | Deep Dive



Gabriel Mizrahi (@GabeMizrahi) rejoins us to deep dive into why the fresh eyes of an amateur often spot what the professionals miss, and how we can get some of that so-called beginner's luck to rub off on us no matter how experienced we happen to be. What We Discuss with Gabriel Mizrahi: The experience paradox: while experience helps us solve problems with precision and focus, it also blinds us to alternative -- sometimes better -- solutions. Experts rely on technique and convention; amateurs are guided by insight and intuition. What Einstein understood about the importance of maintaining an amateur's mindset when tackling problems no expert had yet solved. Why making it through the amateur stage is crucial for growth -- or even beginning -- any endeavor. (If you knew then what you know now, you might not have even gone through the trouble of starting!) How we can take advantage of our expertise without losing the beginner's amateur insight. And much more... Sign up for Six-Minute Networking -- our free net