The Jordan Harbinger Show

914: Ben Lamm | Resurrecting the Woolly Mammoth



After their tragic extinction, will woolly mammoths once again walk the world alongside humanity? Colossal's Ben Lamm is here to de-extinct our skepticism! What We Discuss with Ben Lamm: Colossal Biosciences is a company working to bring back animals that, for a variety of reasons, have disappeared from the world stage in a process it calls "de-extinction." Colossal's current focus is inserting genes from the iconic woolly mammoth into Asian elephant embryos with the goal of creating hybrid elephant-mammoths that can survive the Arctic tundra. Colossal believes these modified woolly mammoths could help restore the Arctic ecosystem and sequester carbon to reduce the rate of climate change. Additionally, this research will help scientists learn more about — and more effectively treat — elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV), a disease among modern Asian elephant populations with a mortality rate of up to 85 percent. Colossal is still in the early stages of development, but it hopes to have th