[gospel Remnants] English Youth Fellowship (audio)

Clear Doubts and Enter the Kingdom Vigorously



In our faith journey, we often face ironical situations that make us doubt God. What do we doubt about God? When we are in rough patches, when what we see are incompatible with what we read about God’s promise, we start to doubt God if He is indeed the living and active God who has come to redeem us. If you find yourself doubting, do not entertain the thoughts of “running away” from God, and brush it off thinking God is not as He promised. Remember, even the great John the Baptist doubted Jesus when the goings get tough, and faith in Christ is tested. However, how John dealt with doubt is what we ought to learn from today - John confronted Jesus, he did not run away from God. Instead, he went to seek clarification from Him. Do you doubt Jesus? What do you do about your doubts today? Clear your doubts with God through prayers and wrestling with God, only then you will enter the Kingdom decisively!