

Heaven is not a place where Christians go after death. In fact, heaven is tasted not later but now, here, on earth, when we drive out the influences of Satan in our lives. As children of God, we need to be aware of Satan's influences which do not come to us blatantly all the time. Instead, Satan invades us subtly and when we least expect, making us more self-reliant, grow colder towards the Truth of God, and love other things but God increasingly. We cannot experience the kingdom of God because Satan has led us astray! Through the Word of God, Jesus once again reminded us of the strongman in our lives which calls for our spiritual sensitivity to be turned on all the times, so that we can detect the attacks from the strongman and quickly cling on the Spirit of God to drive them out. Not only so, we ought to do it not only once but repeatedly, because the devil is like a roaring lion which is always looking for cracks and chances to invade us again. Ever wonder why is life such a misery and pain? That’s becau