Law Enforcement Today Podcast

NYPD Officers Experience at the WTC and Morale Problems. Special Episode.



NYPD Officers Experience at the WTC and Morale Problems. Special Episode. A retired NYPD Detective and first responder during the 9/11 terror attacks, possesses a wealth of experience garnered from serving in multiple boroughs of NYC and various commands. Despite sustaining a disabling injury in the line of duty, he continues to advocate for police and for truthfulness in the news media. David Chianese transitioned to the auto industry while maintaining a fervent dedication to advocating for law enforcement, earning him recognition as a police advocate or activist. NYPD Officers Experience at the WTC and Morale Problems. Special Episode In his book, "A Police Officer's Safety Guide in Troubled Times," Chianese delves deeply into the grim realities and psychological trauma endured by NYC police officers, especially in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks. Drawing from his own harrowing experiences at Ground Zero, he illuminates the enduring memories and haunting nightmares that plague first responde