St Peters Orthodox Church

Children to our Heavenly Father



St. John the Apostle in 1 John 3 tells us that he is in wonder at God's love for all of us. That we, who were once slaves to the Fall of Mankind and to a cruel oppressor, have had our identity completely changed. We were once slaves to the father of lies. We are now children to a Heavenly Father, rich in goodness and mercy. The Apostle also shares with us how we should live as God's children. We are to spend time with our Father like children to their daddy. As we spend time with Him, we become like Him as He reveals Himself to us more and more over the course of our lives. The Apostle also says that God's children, when they behold God, see also what they are not. We see how we are not like our Heavenly Father. As these revelations come to us, they come for the sake of healing and redemption. We are to live a life of time with our Father which includes offering to Him the ways we are not like Him; so that He may heal and redeem relieving the burden that these disfigurements have caused in our lives