Breaking Through With Kristin Rowe-finkbeiner (powered By Momsrising)

Just Say No To Extremism. Spotting Fake Paid Family/Medical Leave. Black History Month. Eldercare.



On the radio show this week we cover the importance of pushing back against extremism, including book bans and censorship, and how grandparents are rising for hope (and sanity); we dive into why some Republicans are pushing fake paid family/medical leave and get tips on how to support real policy; hear how parents can make Black History Month a month to commit to learning and reflecting throughout the year; and get the latest on the fight for eldercare and care workers. *Special guests include: Marge Baker, People For the American Way, @peoplefor; Ruth Martin, MomsRising, @MomsRising; Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs, artist, writer, organizer and thought leader, @tabithastb; and Sarah Slocum, Michigan Elder Justice Initiative