Popular Usa Majority

Remove Him | Disgusting Trump Insurrection



When you see a burglar in your house Got a booger in your nose Got a pimple 'bout to burst When you see a giant cockroach What do you do? What do you do? You remove it, yeah, remove it When a scoundrel Wants to be our king again After his disgusting insurrection We say No! No! No! Not again! Yeah, we remove him! It's more than dislike We have a strong aversion A bitter distaste America abhors him Repugnance, Revulsion For god's sakes, remove him He will not be our king again When you see a Trump in your house Got a Trump in your nose Got a Trump 'bout to burst When you see a giant Trump Roach What do we do? What do we do? We get angry, yeah, we remove him! We remove the insurrectionist