On Air With Ella

002: American Ninja Warrior Abel Gonzalez: On Defeating Obstacles & Mastering Our Inner Ninja



American Ninja Warrior Abel Gonzalez talks to us about mastering our inner Ninja first, how he's conquering life's obstacles and living his purpose to help others along the way. “I had to start doing some self examination – who am I ? what am I doing?    Abel tells us: How he left a great paying job in the oil industry to take a risk - waited in line for FIVE days - and ended up making history on NBC What is was like going from “indestructible” to falling apart due to rheumatoid arthritis What finally helped him overcome abandonment, anger and some pretty tough circumstances  What “normal" people can do to train like a ninja (no gym required) His two secrets for getting stronger as he gets older  Listen in on this Ninja’s inner game. This is one seriously motivating dude.   “You have to appreciate life. You’re here for a reason... You’re given an opportunity. A circumstance, yes, but an opportunity." As Abel tells it: #WEAREALLABEL. Learn more at www.onairella.com