On Air With Ella

007: Dr. Jillian Teta Talks Guts and Glory. Mostly Guts. But It's Glorious.



BLOATED? ACNE? FAT LOSS RESISTANT? TIRED? Listen in on this one... Dr. Jillian Teta is a medically-trained, naturopathic physician, the creator of the Fix Your Digestion gut restoration program and author of Natural Solutions for Digestive Health - a book that has been a huge success and has become a manual of sorts for anyone who has ever suffered from digestive distress, bloating, food intolerances, skin problems, digestive disorders, and people who simply want to achieve optimal gut health. We talk about: Why is digestive health important?  What happens when it goes wrong: Acne, bloating, gas, tummy troubles, weight gain, lethargy, constipation, PMS, low testosterone, weak immune system The ripple effects of not pooping Your gut houses two thirds (!!) of your immune system. Say WHAT?!? How is the “standard American diet” hurting our gut?  How might your soaps, shampoos, detergents be hurting your gut and your hormones? Foods that are most likely to be causing you trouble  Tips you can start implementing t