Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The real danger behind Trump’s remarks on NATO



Former President Donald Trump said on Saturday that he would allow Russia to do whatever it wants to NATO allies that don’t pay their bills. We’ll discuss why Trump’s willingness to ignore our treaty obligations hurts Americans’ freedom and standard of living. Plus, why robots aren’t coming for our jobs anytime soon. And, we’ll make you smart on why cats get stuck in trees! Here’s everything we talked about today: “Trump told S.C. rally that he supports Russian aggression against NATO allies” from NPR “Wealth disparities by race grew during the pandemic, despite income gains, report shows” from The Associated Press “Robot invasion hit a bump in 2023 as North American economy cooled” from Reuters “Yes, cats do get stuck in trees. This climber rescues them for free.” from The Washington Post Travis Kelce yelling at coach becomes Super Bowl meme from Scott Lincicome on X We love to he